Stronger Every Day

I hope that this Blog will make you laugh, cry, and pray. I am not any stronger by my own power. I am not stronger by my own experiences. I am stronger every day that I lean on Jesus, My Savior, My Strength, My Friend.

21 December 2009

The End to Darkness

Well, the shortest day of the year is over… kind of… the sun has set, but it is really only almost 4pm here.

The days will be getting longer and longer again, and it is happening just in time. Although I dearly love the long quiet nights, when I can endure the cold long enough to stargaze and Aurora watch, I miss there being an actual “day” and “night.” I am starting to feel the “mid-winter blahs” and the drudgery of our days is making it hard to drag our daylight deprived bodies out of bed each imaginary morning.

But we are just a few days away from one of the greatest days of the year, and isn’t it fitting that it is celebrated right after the hours of daylight start to increase again! The Holiest Hope for all mankind is almost here. Christmas is less than a week away!

Isn’t it AWEsome that God’s timing is still right on, even with all the human interference over the past 2000 years! The celebration of the birth of the Light of the World and the end of the bleak midwinter are coming at a time when a lot of us here in Alaska are most in need of any kind of brightness.

As Luke 2:14 says, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

I hope you all have a truly AWEsome CHRISTmas, ad a very Blessed New Year!

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