I found just what I needed today. This is a prayer that allows you to do an "insert your name here" type prayer, but I need the emotional healing today. The link where I found this is at the bottom of the page.
Father, Release Your healing power into my life; be gracious to me.
Cause me to sense and know Your love as never before my life.
Open my eyes to those wounds that have me bound and hurting.
Remove the pain from my life; fill my wounds with Your mercy.
Set me free from unforgiveness; deliver me from harboring unforgiveness.
Remove anger and hatred from my life; replace it with love.
Remove depression and despair from my life; replace it with joy.
Remove fear and anxiety from me and replace it with peace.
Remove resentment and temper from me; replace it with longsuffering.
Remove bitterness and a critical spirit from me replace it with kindness.
Remove selfishness from me and replace it with goodness.
Fill me with Your love; show me Your concern for me.
Cause me to seek You with all me heart.
Manifest Your power and grace by healing and blessing me.
In Jesus Name, I ask all this. AMEN.
Scripture Prayers from Prayer Closet Ministries